123 Metabolism Reset is a custom 3 Phase 6 Week program designed to target the adrenal glands, balance the hormones, encourage the bowels, reduce systemic inflammation and sky rocket your metabolism in order to improve digestion, mineral status, absorption, fat burning and more!

A step-by-step metabolism boosting program to help you shed inches and feel confident.

Say HELLO to 1-2-3 Metabolism Reset

A  custom three phase step-by-step process to help you understand your body, discover what it means to heal your metabolism while eating your favourite foods!

This is for YOU, if you experience:

  • Weight loss resistance regardless of diet or exercise, you always seem “stuck”
  • Painful, heavy or even clotty periods
  • Gut health issues such as weight gain, bloating, gas, inconsistent bowel movements, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea
  • High water retention or joint pain
  • Low energy levels, fatigue or a low sex drive (maybe even all three!?)
  • Notice cravings for sugar and processed food
  • Sleep disruptions that keep you from looking and feeling your best the next day

What if you didn’t have to…

❌ Restrict your favorite foods to fit into your favorite jeans.

❌ Guilt yourself for over ‘getting off track.’

❌ Spend money on detox teas, weight loss pills, and meal replacements.

❌ Spend hours in a calorie and macro tracking app for fat loss.

What if you could…

✅ Follow a step-by-step plan proven to boost your metabolism and support losing inches off your waist?

✅ Understand what foods will improve your metabolism?

✅ Not feel overwhelmed with WHAT and HOW to eat to see inches fall off?

✅ Have ‘on-demand’ access to a nutrition plan that will give you the results you’ve been waiting for?

Phase 1 is called your “14 day FLUSH” phase and it is designed to eliminate and detoxify excess build up in your liver and digestive system.

Healthy detoxification can help:

• Support concentration

• Promote healthy digestion

• Improve occasional bad breath

• Support healthy energy levels

• Promote healthy joint function

• Support healthy skin and eyes

• Support proper weight management

 Phase 1 is where you can expect the following:

– Weeks 1-4 anti-inflammatory meal plan;

– Elimination of oils and cooking oils to rid excess inflammation;

– Drinking filtered “power water” to support the elimination of toxic waste build up and replenish electrolytes;

– Proper supplementation to prepare the liver, kidney and digestive function for the flush.

Phase 2 is of your 123 Metabolic Reset is called Carb Bootcamp designed to understand how each clients unique body tolerates different carbs at different times.

 Phase 2 is where you can expect the following:

– 14 day low carb meal plan designed to understand how each client’s body responds to different simple and complex carbs properly placed depending in individual factors

– Drinking filtered water;

– Fibre-rich foods and variety of veggies;

– A rise in hunger upon waking. This is a sign your metabolism is beginning to fire-up;

– Proper supplementation to prepare the stomach and gut for optimal digestive function for Phase 3 Reset.

Phase 3 of your Metabolic Mastery is the 14 Day Carb Cycling phase and it has been designed to reset your metabolic and hormone function.

 Phase 3 includes your first and second week of the program, where you can expect the following:

– 14 Day Carb Cycling meal plan designed to have days of higher carbs (work out days) and days of lower carbs (non work out days) to become a fat blasting machine

– Drinking filtered water;

– Fibre-rich foods and variety of veggies;

– A rise in hunger upon waking. This is a sign your metabolism is beginning to fire-up;

– 1 allergen-friendly re-feed meal to restore leptin levels;

– Proper supplementation to aid in restoring/replenishing gut, liver and hormone health.

Please note:  Supplements such as probiotics, digestive enzymes and minerals such as magnesium, zinc ect will be recommended based on your intake assessment and goals.

These vitamins and minerals will be recommended to you within your custom Phase 1, 2 and 3 strategy.

The vitamin, mineral and supplements are not included in the course of programming and will be individually recommended based on your unique findings and needs.

Check Out What Others Are Saying


How quickly will I see results?

A lot of our clients will start to see immediate improvements within energy, bowels, sleep, stress management, body fat, water retention and body composition almost immediately.  Everyone’s results are different, however, results will be guaranteed for those who follow the plan with consistency and honesty.

What if I need more support?

I am confident with easy access to information, resources, the message board and the ease of my private nutrition software that you will be well supported on this 6 week journey.

Will this work for me?

While we can’t guarantee results, I can say that every client who has followed programming and shown up consistently has met their goals. This program is designed to work if you work it.

Is there anyone who should not join this program?

This 6 week online program is for all men or women who are looking to have a better understanding of their how to fuel their bodies and finally succeed at their physical and mental goals.   I would not recommend for anyone currently pregnant.

I want to do this, but I am a really picky eater, can I still take advantage?

I truly mean this so lovingly, but that’s something you have to be open to working on. You are an adult and you are in charge of your own plate. The body thrives on balanced meals that consist of variety and limited meals or repetitive meals are a major contributor to inflammation. If you’re here it is likely that your current habits aren’t benefiting your health, so you get to decide what is more important to you right now. There’s no wrong answer and no judgement!  All clients will be provided access to a custom 3 phase meal plan where they will be told exactly what to eat in order to hit their short term metabolic mastery goal.    Clients will be require to purchase food scales and measuring cups in order to maintain meal planning accuracy.  No “dieting” – No “starvation”

I am vegan/ vegetarian, will this program work with for?

No Sorry!  All clients must eat animal proteins or fish in order to participate.

I have a history of disordered eating, is this program going to be okay for me?

We have had clients in this program who have a history of disordered eating and they’ve really thrived. With that being said, it is your job to determine if you’re ready for something like this. We don’t damn any foods around here, but we do reevaluate nutrition in a way that can best serve your goal of healthy hormones. I recommend working with a therapist or healthcare provider in conjunction with this course to ensure that you are feeling confident about the work you’re doing.

Will I be receiving a set meal plan for this program?

Yes!! All clients will be receiving easy to follow custom nutrition plans based on our 3 Step Phase strategy.

We if I buy the program and I change my mind when we begin?

Unfortunately, do the electronic nature of the materials that you will have access to as of the program start date, there will be no refunds or extensions if you do not wish to proceed with me towards your short term health and hormone goals.  Please make sure you are ready to go and committed to a healthier you prior to registering.

Can I access this program all online?

Yes, this is a 100% digital program and anyone from anywhere can take advantage of the 1-2-3 Metabolism Reset program.

Do I get to speak to my coach privately?

Yes! You will have access to 24/7 messages during your program to stay in contact with your selected Coach.

I have a couple of events during the plan, will I be able to eat or drink off plan?

All clients will be given 1 “Refeed meal” off plan per week where they can have a meal of their choosing from their favourite restaurant or homemade meal.     If you eating multiple meals off plan per week then results or metabolism healing cannot be guaranteed.

Do I get program updates?

Programs are updated based on your bi-weekly check ins, biofeedback and progress.  It will be your responsibility to submit your  bi-weekly side by side photos, measurements and complete an online assessment questionnaire in order to received your updated Phase meal plan. 

Will you post or share my photos or results?

We will NEVER  post any correspondence or photos without your permission.

If I pay now am I expected to begin right away?

Once you pay, your program is expected to begin within one week of registration or within a negiotated time frame.